Our dossier is in Vietnam (as of 10/01/07) and we are still months away from receiving a referral, let alone traveling to VN for our little one. And we have nothing to do now but wait...so unfortunately all we can do is shop.
We did take a parenting class, for me a review of the growth and development of a baby and some information about attachment. The class was taught by a nurse practitioner that has worked with international adoptees and their families for the past twelve years. http://www.adoptionclinic.org/ We'll be working with them when we get our referral to make certain that there are no major medical problems, not that this would stop us.
So we have a crib, courtesy of Scott and Amanda (Greg's brother and his wife). We also have a dresser and bedside table from our neighbor's garage sale.
And today, today we bought mega-sized luggage from Macy's on Christmas sale ($50) and using the gift card from Larry and Kathe (Greg's dad and wife). Three gigantic suitcases...I don't even want to think about dragging those through many major airports. But we are supposed to bring many types of formula, bottles, nipples, clothes, presents for the orphanage directors, wipes, toys, etc.
Our other major purchase? Why a laptop computer on sale from Circuit City, so we can keep in touch once we are finally in VN and can send updates about our journey. Hence the blog! That's why I'm starting it now, so we can learn how to use it by the time we actually go.
Most folks want to know when we'll get information about our referral. Greg believes we'll get one in December or January, but I don't think we'll hear anything until March. Tet, the largest holiday in VN happens in February for one week, so I'm more conservative about the date.
Hopefully we'll travel in April or May! That too might be very optimistic.
But we'll post the updates here for you to see and try to make it as interesting as possible.
Feel free to comment...looking forward to hearing from you!
Jill (not Greg, but he's made this post more grammatically correct)
We did take a parenting class, for me a review of the growth and development of a baby and some information about attachment. The class was taught by a nurse practitioner that has worked with international adoptees and their families for the past twelve years. http://www.adoptionclinic.org/ We'll be working with them when we get our referral to make certain that there are no major medical problems, not that this would stop us.
So we have a crib, courtesy of Scott and Amanda (Greg's brother and his wife). We also have a dresser and bedside table from our neighbor's garage sale.
And today, today we bought mega-sized luggage from Macy's on Christmas sale ($50) and using the gift card from Larry and Kathe (Greg's dad and wife). Three gigantic suitcases...I don't even want to think about dragging those through many major airports. But we are supposed to bring many types of formula, bottles, nipples, clothes, presents for the orphanage directors, wipes, toys, etc.
Our other major purchase? Why a laptop computer on sale from Circuit City, so we can keep in touch once we are finally in VN and can send updates about our journey. Hence the blog! That's why I'm starting it now, so we can learn how to use it by the time we actually go.
Most folks want to know when we'll get information about our referral. Greg believes we'll get one in December or January, but I don't think we'll hear anything until March. Tet, the largest holiday in VN happens in February for one week, so I'm more conservative about the date.
Hopefully we'll travel in April or May! That too might be very optimistic.
But we'll post the updates here for you to see and try to make it as interesting as possible.
Feel free to comment...looking forward to hearing from you!
Jill (not Greg, but he's made this post more grammatically correct)