Actually, I'm not sure if this is his first snow - presumably it snowed in his hometown of Lianyungang, but I doubt he was taken out to play in it. He wasn't really that interested in playing with the snow but doing what he likes to do best which is walk.
He's starting to walk on his own now with no help, but his preference is to have someone holding his hands, then he can run and is very fast! We had his hearing tested today - he is having trouble hearing low frequency sounds due to the fluid build up in his middle ears. We were told that his ear tested normal but because of the fluid in his middle ear he hears sound like he's underwater.
He had almost every person that worked at the hearing specialist walk him around the office. He stretches out his hand and the unsuspecting person takes it and he gives them his other hand and off he goes! You have no choice but to follow. But they all thought he was adorable, which of course he is, and was so well behaved, I can't believe how lucky we've been.
He has gone to quite a few doctor's appointments and has been so good! We had an appointment with the ENT, pediatrician and plastic surgeon last week.
So his surgery is on February 3rd and I'm kinda nervous about it. He is getting his palate repaired, quite an extensive surgery, but he is also getting his inguinal hernia fixed, a circumcision and tubes placed in his ears. The surgery isn't scheduled until noon - we've had some trouble getting so many surgeons scheduled at the same time. He won't be able to eat solids or drink any formula after midnight - so when morning comes he's going to be very frustrated, understandably so. He'll be there for at least overnight, I'd like to get him out as soon as we can but he needs to be relatively pain free, eating and drinking. The doctor seems to think he'll only need a week to recover.
I wish more people could meet him prior to his surgery as I fear he'll lose some of the sweet things about him now. Obviously, he needs to get this repair done as soon as possible. But I wonder if he'll talk as much as he does now - he has such a sweet little voice.