Be alerted. I'm changing to wordpress since it is much easier for anybody to comment and you don't have to put your full name or anything so you can be private if you want to, will be better, promise! I'll give you all the info you need with the new address and it will still have all the old posts.
T had his first dentist appointment. The dentist says he has 8 teeth not sure why cause there's only seven but supposedly one nub counts. He's gotten in a molar and overall his teeth look to be in good shape. He's behind, not uncommon for cleft palate babies and should have a total of 16 teeth right now. We may eventually find that he has missing, extra or teeth in weird places like the roof of his mouth. The important thing for all c/p kids is to keep all teeth cavity-free.
Last week after I realized that I needed to put more time and energy into Timothy's speech therapy we worked each day together for 25-30 minutes. It's made a huge difference! Well sorta. He's working a lot harder to try and imitate us. He's very good at saying his version of "more" really just the "m" sound as well as moo. He also has a version of "meow" without the "m" sound. When he tries new sounds he doesn't know how to say he'll use what he knows - a combination of "m" "moo" and "maama". He's very brave and wants to please and wants to speak.