Sunday, August 31, 2008

Don't ever paint in red

Somehow I got the bright idea to paint our bathroom what I call "barn red", you know after all those great old barns you see when driving along the highway. We love old barns. One of our favorite wedding pics has us in front of a barn.

Plus red is considered a lucky color in Chinese culture. We need luck with our adoption taking so much longer than we expected.

Sounds like a great idea, right? I didn't like any of the available colors at Home Depot, so spent a fortune at our local paint store agonizing between two choices but eventually decided on "heartthrob". Shoulda known it was a bad choice from the name alone.

Turns out this was a bad idea because it was really a primary red color - the starter red on the color wheel, think of the red from kindergarten or the color of a fire truck. Plus we've had to do three coats already and it still shows every single painting flaw and it just looks terrible. Honestly. Greg says it's growing on him but really what he means is that he doesn't want to paint it again in a different color.

Kind of looks like the Amityville Horror with the blood red walls. All we need is piggy's red eyes in the back yard...I'm not sure I'm cut out for this DIY lifestyle.

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