Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Medical Update

Well we finally have a date scheduled for surgery: February 3.

Timothy has several procedures he needs to have done and so we've had to meet with each of the specialists separately. Then have their offices try to coordinate dates and times when each of the surgeons are available at the same hospital. We'll be having the palate surgery and hernia surgery done at the same time. And maybe ear tubes as well although that hasn't yet been confirmed.

It will be a rough time -- no food or formula before the surgery, at least one night in the hospital, and probably restraints to keep his hands out of his mouth for a number of days beyond that. But it has to be done so best to get it over with and hopefully successfully and all at once.

1 comment:

Melissa Shockey said...

Poor baby! We will be praying for all 3 (or 4, Mamaw too). I hope they can do the tubes, too!