Sorry haven't posted for awhile, it's been a tough few days since we got our little guy. He is, as the pictures are to be believed, unbelievably adorable. He has the most amazing little hands, which he uses almost all the time. Some item must be in his hands at any one time, like our link a doo's or more likely his fingers which he chews on as a coping mechanism. He uses this a lot as we try to navigate new parenthood, as he tries to cope with our new parenthood.
All of us are sick. I had some GI distress, mild, but debilitating in that it was impossible to stand so Greg had to take over everything for some stressful hours, poor guy. Greg has a bad cold, which I have a slighter version of as well. Our little man came to us with a bad cough, which is not getting any better and now with a bad case of diarrhea.
We are having a terrible time getting him to eat and mainly to drink. He used our bottles at first, the same bottles he was used to using at the orphanage. We had cut little holes in the top but they weren't large enough at first causing it to take too long for him to eat his food, causing his poor little body to sweat like crazy when eating. By the time we figured it out he was over it. We've been trying every technique we can think of to get him to drink - even giving him straight juice which we think may have caused the diarrhea. Basically it's come to this, we are offering him the bottle to drink from the edge like a cup but haven't been able to get him to use the sippy cup yet. We are finally starting to realize that we need to feed him table food but Chinese table food. He's been throwing fits every day when we feed him finally in desperation feed him ramen noodles and he loved them.
We went to the White Swan Hotel clinic and I love the Chinese doctor that is very very good with children, amazing actually. He gave us benedryl, robitussen and some other medicine for his cough - but you aren't supposed to use this with little ones correct? The Robitussen anyway but his cough is so bad we may go ahead anyway.
I need your help with this next point. He has had a diarrhea for the past three days. Mainly nonformed stool but has now turned runny and explosive. I almost took him to the hospital tonight but have decided to wait until morning to evaluate him then. I'm also going to canvass all the American families here to see if they have any Pedialite, which he may like better. I finally broke down and gave him some of the Chinese medicine, which he seemed to like so maybe that will help. If I were home I'd know what to do but I'm unsure what to do here. Any ideas from folks out there would be greatly appreciated, I could use ideas for how to give him fluids.
Keep in mind, as a cleft palate baby he lacks a sucking mechanism. Although he was great at using a bottle we haven't been able to get him to use a sippy or regular cup. Being sick hasn't helped his attention span and he's been increasingly irritable - as would anyone that isn't been feed properly.
Appreciate any feedback or suggestions. Nothing is too far-fetched. Not trying to worry anyone, he's a happy and fun little guy that likes to play and people watch, loves to people watch. His favorite activity is to ride in the baby bjorn and go for walks, especially when mama rocks him back and forth. He must have a little stacking cup in his hand or a link a doo available for shaking when necessary. We've taken to calling Timothy - Bug - short for cuddle bug. Just a warning, when this little guy looks up at you with his sad little eyes - I guarantee you'll do anything he asks. Just wait.
Greg is an amazing father and always makes Timmy laugh. His daily mission is getting Bug to eat and drink. Bug is a bit mommy focused these days but is fine when mom isn't there. Sometimes that means he can have more fun with Greg. I'm more there to be a warm comforting body to hug against when he's stressed.
We'll get through this and each day brings new learning opportunities. Each day we get better at a schedule and at understanding what makes him laugh.
Hope you are all doing well. I'm writing this late, so sorry for any mistakes in context, spelling, etc.