We are trying to get Timothy adjusted to the time difference and he wants nothing to do with it! Also we are feeding Timothy regularly but still found the coaster to have a satisfying crunch in the mouth - blame Daddy for that one. We took Timothy out in the cold for a stroller ride to give him some fresh air and promptly put him to sleep despite the frigid weather. Isn't his hat the cutest? He loves to walk with assistance, mainly from Daddy.
The doctor gave us a clean bill of health - turns out his cough is just a cold and his lungs are supposedly clear. Also doesn't think there will be any long-term problem with his no-drinking-with-us-in-China stance.
We were trying to combat the time difference in Timothy's schedule with a divide and conquer approach. I was the night shift from midnight to 6:30 AM and Daddy was the day shift but no one was getting any good sleep. So this morning at 5:00 AM Greg got up with me when I could not get him down to sleep and we took Timothy to our favorite diner for breakfast. He liked the pancakes and eggs alright but loved the grits - as this is closest to what he's used to eating. We were worried he may melt down because he's so tired but he was great, especially after two cups of coffee. Just kiddin'. The parents drank the coffee.
Jill - He is so so cute. Glad to hear that he is doing well and hope that he gets over his cold soon. I also hope that you all are able to get some sleep soon. Love all the photos keep them coming!
oh yeah and I LOVE the red shoes.
Are they squeaky shoes? That will drive you crazy in about 10 seconds.
He is so adorable! I love the coaster in his mouth!
Oh our first adoption coming home was the hardest two weeks no one ever told me about! It takes about a day for every hour of time change...it does pass but oh how tired you are for that time! he is a cutie!!!
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