Isn't it too cute? It's similar to the last house we put a bid on - but closer to DC. Our home is located in Arlington. We need to put in a new tub upstairs and hope to move in May. The kitchen is from the eighties, no joke and is smaller than the kitchen we have now but bigger than the one we had at Argonne place. We have a cute little backyard and are looking forward to planting a garden. The addition (in the picture to the right) is covered with 70's wood paneling. The living room is pretty large as well as the dining room and two of the bedrooms upstairs. Now, of course, I want all new furniture, a new kitchen and bathroom in the basement. I've already spent all of our money when we don't have any left after buying the house in this still very expensive place to live! I've already priced composters and solar paneling so we can try to be environmental (uhh...the paneling is gonna have to wait awhile). I gotta admit I've been scared about this - did we buy the right house - in the right neighborhood?
Now I'm just excited and ready to move in!
I can't wait for the housewarming.
Hey, I thought you hadn't taken any pictures! looks very cute. Can't wait to see it. and of course, if you need help with painting...
The house looks great. I hope to visit DC sometime this summer and get a chance to see the inside.
Sunday I attended church with my son and his family because my son was delivering the sermon (once a month UU churches have services run by the congregation). Anyway during the joys and sorrows one woman lit a candle of joy for a family who just received their adopted Vietnamese child a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how long the process took but it would seem that there is still activity. I wish you all the best as you keep trying.
Kath Hacker
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