Sorry it's hard for me to post when I try to post anything other than an update of Timothy. It involves too much procrastination trying to think of how I want to say what I want to say. That's why all of my posts are always updates.
Timothy can now say the "m" sound. He puts his lips together tightly - exactly what we want and this is how he says "more". He does this so well, and has strengthened his mouth so much that he now no longer drools as a result! So now we can see all the cute shirts he got from our friend Michele D - I'm partial to the zebra and monkey shirts.
We had a couple of difficult speech therapy sessions. T would not even look at our therapist. So we cut back on the individual daily sessions in the high chair and had a great time at the last ST visit. He was able to use two word sentences - mainly by signing and was able to say a version of "on" vocally. He's doing more and more attempts at words and sounds, many of which you need to know in context. Some examples - up, pop (more like mop), roar, moo, bzzz, hot, uh-oh (mainly oooohh), meow. It's exciting to hear him try more sounds. We go to the IA doc next week and in past reports I could only say I've heard one sound attempted. He's even said 'mom' a couple of times on accident - once when my mother called and she couldn't hear me and I kept saying 'mom' over and over again. He's also learning new signs. We are also incorporating please, thank you and help into his vocabulary as a way to decrease his whiny requests for assistance.
We've got a bike trailer now and rode over to our local farmer's market. Greg still rides all the time but I have barely been on a bike since leaving the District. So...very...hard on muscles turned to cellulite. Does a 10 minute bike ride once a week count as exercise?
Timothy has a new pushable tricycle. I was hoping this would provide some support for rebuilding arm muscle but since T is so light, not really so much. Tomorrow's high of 94 degrees won't really help with the exercise ability. We got him a huge helmet and had fun watching him cross his eyes to look up at it. Can't imagine him wearing it since his little head sweats a gallon of liquid a minute. But he liked wearing it inside of the house.
His second molar is coming in possibly causing sleep disruptions. Lately he's been needing us to stay in the room while he goes to sleep - not good. The situation is further complicated by visiting family members - gonna be a hard habit to break come Monday.
Still throwing food, placemat, and his utensils when he deems the meal to be over. Love this. And cleaning the floor every five minutes. Really good times. Especially when I miss a fork and find it days later with the food is really caked on. At least he's eating well again.
Started him on a white noise machine and am not looking forward to going on our annual camping trip to the beach in July. Not sure how he's gonna handle it although he tends to be an angel in company so he could surprise me. Just not sure how were going to load the Prius with all of our beach crap and now all of our baby stuff. Baby's make it harder to downsize. At least we got out of running the happy hour. Come to think of it that was have the reason our car was always so loaded down bringing cocktail and appetizer preparations for two hundred. Thanks Anna.
Sorry for the late delay in posting - so much for once a week. As always, will strive to do better. Thanks for reading my rambly long-winded post.
I'm not changing to wordpress because it's easy to change the comment capacity. You no longer need a blog address to comment. So comment to show me that it's working!
Timothy can now say the "m" sound. He puts his lips together tightly - exactly what we want and this is how he says "more". He does this so well, and has strengthened his mouth so much that he now no longer drools as a result! So now we can see all the cute shirts he got from our friend Michele D - I'm partial to the zebra and monkey shirts.
We had a couple of difficult speech therapy sessions. T would not even look at our therapist. So we cut back on the individual daily sessions in the high chair and had a great time at the last ST visit. He was able to use two word sentences - mainly by signing and was able to say a version of "on" vocally. He's doing more and more attempts at words and sounds, many of which you need to know in context. Some examples - up, pop (more like mop), roar, moo, bzzz, hot, uh-oh (mainly oooohh), meow. It's exciting to hear him try more sounds. We go to the IA doc next week and in past reports I could only say I've heard one sound attempted. He's even said 'mom' a couple of times on accident - once when my mother called and she couldn't hear me and I kept saying 'mom' over and over again. He's also learning new signs. We are also incorporating please, thank you and help into his vocabulary as a way to decrease his whiny requests for assistance.
We've got a bike trailer now and rode over to our local farmer's market. Greg still rides all the time but I have barely been on a bike since leaving the District. So...very...hard on muscles turned to cellulite. Does a 10 minute bike ride once a week count as exercise?
Timothy has a new pushable tricycle. I was hoping this would provide some support for rebuilding arm muscle but since T is so light, not really so much. Tomorrow's high of 94 degrees won't really help with the exercise ability. We got him a huge helmet and had fun watching him cross his eyes to look up at it. Can't imagine him wearing it since his little head sweats a gallon of liquid a minute. But he liked wearing it inside of the house.
His second molar is coming in possibly causing sleep disruptions. Lately he's been needing us to stay in the room while he goes to sleep - not good. The situation is further complicated by visiting family members - gonna be a hard habit to break come Monday.
Still throwing food, placemat, and his utensils when he deems the meal to be over. Love this. And cleaning the floor every five minutes. Really good times. Especially when I miss a fork and find it days later with the food is really caked on. At least he's eating well again.
Started him on a white noise machine and am not looking forward to going on our annual camping trip to the beach in July. Not sure how he's gonna handle it although he tends to be an angel in company so he could surprise me. Just not sure how were going to load the Prius with all of our beach crap and now all of our baby stuff. Baby's make it harder to downsize. At least we got out of running the happy hour. Come to think of it that was have the reason our car was always so loaded down bringing cocktail and appetizer preparations for two hundred. Thanks Anna.
Sorry for the late delay in posting - so much for once a week. As always, will strive to do better. Thanks for reading my rambly long-winded post.
I'm not changing to wordpress because it's easy to change the comment capacity. You no longer need a blog address to comment. So comment to show me that it's working!
I can't believe he's growing so fast! He looks great, and it seems if he's getting more and more verbal every day. I can't wait to meet him at some point!!
-- Cousin Jennifer
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