Monday, December 15, 2008

Last Day in Guangzhou

Finally, our last day in Guangzhou. Our U.S. paperwork is finalized and this afternoon we go to the consulate to pick up Timothy's travel visa and take our oath of adoption. Tomorrow morning we fly back up to Beijing then after a 5 hour layover we fly back home. About 24 hours of travel time but at least we'll be back home.


Unknown said...

Good to hear that things are getting better and you are almost all set for home. Can't wait to see everyone when you're back.

Betzy said...

Greg's smile and glow matches Jill's in the pictures. I am so happy for your new family.
I will pray angels to guide you all back home safely.
With LOVE all things are possible. My love and prayers are with you all.

Jenny said...

You guys look great - and look like you are feeling so much better! I love seeing the pictures - THANK YOU!! Can't wait to see you when you are back and all settled in...WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. I am so excited for you!